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Hello! Just a little bit of information about me.

Thank you for visiting my website.


First about my life … I am happily married to my soulmate.

When you first meet a fellow soul, you know in your gut if

you connect spiritually with that person.  I know the first

few seconds I meet someone if they are a kindred spirit.

I am pleased that I come across so

many wonderful people.  When my husband and I

first met, I was drawn to his joyful laugh.

Many years later, my husband and I enjoy goofing around

with our fur- and feather-babies:  one dog,  three chickens, and a dozen cats.

I read books to my husband, and we watch our favorite shows together.

My hobbies are, of course, writing … but also gardening, bird watching, and walking for a little exercise.

October is my favorite month!  I love Halloween, witches and cats, and Sweetest Day.  Spooky and romance are a great combination for me!  I’ve always loved those vampire romance books … spooky but not horrifying.  And I need a little romance!  Love makes the world go ‘round.

Even as a child, my imagination took me from my physical bedroom to another realm enriched with emotion.  I wrote my first book in honor of my mother, who believed in magic.

Although raised with a religious background, my mother taught me to be a spiritual being.  The Ruler’s Soul, my first book, is a mystical romance, inspired by everyday magic and spirituality.

Always skipping to my own tune, I wanted to write about characters that are spiritual and loving but also unexpected.  Honestly, I’m just a sweet girl who loves spookiness and romance … a scary movie and chocolate candy.  I thought ‘out of the box’ for my first novel.  Thank you, if you try it out.

What if there were no evil?

There would be nothing to fear.

There would be only love.